Mar 8, 2011

Demi & Steven Wedding

Demi & Steven的Pre-wedding photo都是我和hilda到長洲幫他們影的,那輯相還是記憶猶新,不經不覺眨眼又到了他們的大日子。多謝他們的信任,讓我可以在他們的big day再次為他們影相。我知道他們追求簡約和舒服的婚禮,希望賓客可以輕輕鬆鬆地飲宴和觀禮;而事實上他們亦做到了,從我鏡頭下捕捉到他們無時無刻自在的自在笑容便知道!希望他們喜歡這輯相啦!

Pre-wedding photos of Demi and Steven were taken at Cheung Chau by Hilda and myself a while ago yet I still remember clearly every laughter and happy moment we had on the day. I really appreciate their trust in me, giving me this great responsibility of being their photographer on their wedding day. I knew they were looking forward to a simple, comfortable yet elegant ceremony and hoping to share their best moments with all their families and friends. And they had achieved their goal. Every smile captured under my camera shows how romantic and beautiful the wedding was and everyone had a great time. I hope they like these photos and I would like to take this opportunity to wish them a wonderful and enjoyable married life together.

Demi & Steven Pre-wedding 1
Demi & Steven Pre-wedding 2

1 comment:

  1. thanks terry for the life-long
    pretty memories!

    it's almost 1 year anniversary
    of our home pre-wedding shot...
    the idea was brilliant - thankful
    for that!!
